Upcoming LOI

Come one, come all to the 25th Masonic District’s Lodge of Instruction (LOI) on the FOURTH Monday of the month!  

LOI at 7:00PM

Candidates are encouraged to arrive earlier for instruction prior to the event.

Lodge of Instruction Coordinator / Master
Wor Jean-Louis Marty

Lodge of Instruction Lead Instructor
R.W. Edward L. Savage 

Lodge of Instruction, also known as “LOI”,  is modified around suggestions made by YOU, the Brethren, so please attend and contribute to the information AND fun that is contained within these sessions!  

Some LOI’s will be open to the general public and advertised as such so please invite anyone interested in the topic or Freemasonry in general! If you’re ever unsure if an LOI is open to the public, contact yoru Lodge Master, Secretary, or Ambassador.

  • All Lodges’ of Instruction will have Candidate and Officer check-in at 6:45pm.
  • All Lodges’ of Instruction will begin promptly at 7:00pm and last for approximately 1 hr and perhaps a tad more.
  • All Officers and Members are strongly encouraged to attend.
  • All candidates are required to attend.

The success of any LOI is dependent on YOU, as the host Lodge and Officers herein installed. Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly.

Contact your Lodge Master, Secretary or Ambassador for car-pooling!

Hope to see you there!

Previous LOI Events